
I Run for Something

Get guaranteed entry and run the marathon for a great cause

We invite you to join Boterekwa Marathon and make a difference through your Marathon participation. With every step you take and every dollar you raise, you can help organizations doing important work in our communities, and touch the lives of those in need.

When you run for charity you get guaranteed entry to the Boterekwa Marathon and the opportunity to transform lives and give back to the community. Running with one of our official charity groups is a great way to contribute to a worthy cause.

Interested Charities

The deadline for charities to apply for guaranteed entries for the Boterekwa Marathon 2013 is still opened.Your organization can be placed on a list to receive an application for the 2013 Boterekwa Marathon. Send an email to, type "Charity Interest 2013" in the subject line and include the following information:

Full Name
Charity Name
City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Email Address
Mission Statement

Your organization will be added to the list of charities receiving applications for the upcoming year. If your contact information changes, it is your responsibility to let the Boterekwa Marathon office know before applications are distributed. Applications are exclusively sent via email. The Boterekwa Marathon Committee will NOT follow up on returned emails. If you have any further questions, contact us at